Moree Public School

Knowledge Lights the Way

Telephone02 6752 1913

School History

Moree Public School enjoys a long and distinguished history.  The story begins at a provisional school housed at the Methodist Church (now Uniting Church) on Frome Street in 1872.  By 1877, the average daily attendance at this school was a crowded 25 and a public meeting was held which supported the application to build a public school. This facility would include a schoolroom suitable for 40 students and a teacher's residence. The total cost was not to be more than $1200!

Despite early optimism about the project, 10 years passed and no school building appeared. Fortunately, in 1878, efforts were redoubled and work on the new school was completed in 1880. By 1884 a second classroom was added and in 1888 construction was completed of the wooden buildings that can still be seen today on the Albert Street campus of Moree Secondary College. As time moved on, these facilities also became overcrowded with some classes even being conducted in corridors.

In 1949, the land was appropriated on the corner of Albert and Edward Streets for the purpose of building a new infants school. The school was completed in 1957 along Endeavour Lane next to Taylor Oval and the new infants' school was occupied. There were 5 classrooms and a hall with a further class being conducted in the Church of England hall across the street. By 1965, a proper primary facility was built on the same site, closer to Edward Street. The Infants and Primary schools were combined into Moree Public School in the early 1980s. Today, the staff and students of Moree Public School enjoy beautiful grounds, modern facilities, and contemporary technology.  

Our motto is, "Knowledge light the way," and as we blaze a path through our second century, our future has never been brighter!