Moree Public School

Knowledge Lights the Way

Telephone02 6752 1913

School Canteen

The school canteen has a state of the art parent-operated canteen under the direction of a paid supervisor.  The P&C Canteen Committee organises the canteen and its daily operation.

Voluntary workers for the canteen are always warmly welcomed.  Parents who are interested in joining the roster to assist should contact the Canteen Supervisor on 02 6752 2342.

The canteen complies with the NSW Healthy Food Strategy aiming to provide nourishing food and drinks for students at reasonable prices.  All families regularly receive updated menus and price lists to assist with ordering.  Orders should be made on the school's lunch bags and submitted before school each morning.

Orders can be made online via the flexischools website.

Download the current canteen price list (PDF 398KB).